Dr. Patti Robinson’s “Basics of Behavioral Change in Primary Care” is now available!  Check out the amazing website for links to the book as well as free materials and training videos! “Whether you are a trained professional and re-locating to the primary care setting or a student preparing for a career in primary care, my […]

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Dr. Bauman interviewed about #IBH in the times of #COVID-19

Dr. Bauman was interviewed by The National Center for Integrated Behavioral Health (NCIBH) to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on integrated behavioral health. Follow the link below to read this informative and highly useful article! https://www.ncibh.org/news-and-events/integrating-opioid-use-disorder-treatment-into-health-workforce-training/an-interview-with-david-bauman-psydon-ibh-during-the-covid-19-pandemic

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Drs. Bauman & Beachy named to 39 under 39

Associates of MCG, Drs. Bauman and Beachy were named to the Yakima Herald’s 39 under 39 According to the Herald, it’s an opportunity to celebrate the “good news” that’s going on in the Yakima Valley.  They further explain,”39 under 39 profiles based on six categories: arts and culture, business, education, health care, nonprofits and advocacy, […]

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Dr. Robinson’s en route to Wellington, NZ

Dr. Patti Robinson’s on her way to Wellington, New Zealand and she’ll be training there for the next 6 weeks! She loves working with Te Pou, their workforce development service. Prior to this training, Mountainview Consulting had trained 30 Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs; NZ’s name for “Behavioral Health Consultants or BHCs”) and 6 Health Improvement […]

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Dr. Robinson earns “Outstanding Contributions to the PCBH Model Award” at CFHA 2017

Dr. Patricia Robinson was presented with the “Outstanding Contributions to the PCBH Model Award” at the 2017 Collaborative Family Health Care Association’s Annual Conference in Houston, TX.  #MCG’s associates, Drs. Bridget Beachy and David Bauman had the honor of introducing Dr. Robinson with this special acknowledgement.

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Don’t tape over your “check engine” light! Depression signals growth opportunities

Forget everything you thought you knew about depression. Drs. Strosahl and Robinson’s recent book, The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Depression Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Move Through Depression and Create a Life Worth Living, Second Edition, offers a different (inspiring) lens on how to view depression. In a recent interview, Dr. Strosahl urges […]

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Drs. Robinson & Bauman Co-Author Book Chapter on Persistent Pain

Mountainview Consulting Group’s very own Patti Robinson and David Bauman co-author a book chapter, “Improving care for a primary care population: Persistent pain for example” in the Handbook of Psychological Assessment in Primary Care Settings, edited by Mark E. Maruish. Please follow the link to view the chapter! https://books.google.com/books?id=7Z-8DgAAQBAJ&pg=PT1161&lpg=PT1161&dq=Improving+care+for+a+primary+care+population%3A+Persistent+pain+for+example&source=bl&ots=WQISgIHKyc&sig=wgXYCKuGx9XiQu7oV0wqC_Nf6Wo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivj7nFk8TVAhVQ4mMKHSDPCWsQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q&f=false

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